Currency Exchange API

Currency Exchange is a free API for current foreign exchange rates published by different providers such as Fixer, currencylayer etc.

A public instance of the API lives at and is proudly hosted on AppHarbor. As of today, the supported providers are Fixer, currencylayer and currencyconverterapi. The other providers such as 1Forge etc. are under development.

The intention of this API is to bring multiple other currency conversion APIs under one hood. The Currency Exchange API does not store any rates and instead invokes the provider APIs to obtain the latest exchange rates. Thus the available or supported currencies depends solely on the provider. In essence, Currency Exchange API can be thought of as a proxy.



Get the latest foreign currency exchange rates from Fixer. In order to specify the provider or the source of rates, use the query parameter called provider.


GET /api/rates?provider=fixer&fr=USD&to=INR

Response Format

Currency Exchange API supports two formats: text and json. In order to specify the format, use the query parameter called format. The default response format is text.

GET /api/rates?provider=fixer&fr=USD&to=INR&format=text
GET /api/rates?provider=fixer&fr=USD&to=INR&format=json

A JSON response would be structured like as shown below:


Supported Rates

To know about the currencies supported by Fixer, please refer:

Try it Out!

Click this link to obtain the current rate for 1 USD in INR:

Currency Layer

Get the latest foreign currency exchange rates from In order to specify the provider or the source of rates, use the query parameter called provider.


GET /api/rates?provider=currencylayer&apikey=[YOUR_API_KEY]&fr=USD&to=INR

Response Format

Currency Exchange API supports two formats: text and json. In order to specify the format, use the query parameter called format. The default response format is text.

GET /api/rates?provider=currencylayer&apikey=[YOUR_API_KEY]&fr=USD&to=INR&format=text
GET /api/rates?provider=currencylayer&apikey=[YOUR_API_KEY]&fr=USD&to=INR&format=json

A JSON response would be structured like as shown below:


Supported Rates

To know about the currencies supported by currencylayer, please refer:

currencylayer’s free plan only supports USD as the source/from currency.

Try it Out!

Click this link to obtain the current rate for 1 USD in INR:

Please do not use the API Key used in the above sample call for any live applications.

Currency Converter API

Get the latest foreign currency exchange rates from In order to specify the provider or the source of rates, use the query parameter called provider.


GET /api/rates?provider=currencyconverterapi&fr=USD&to=INR

Response Format

Currency Exchange API supports two formats: text and json. In order to specify the format, use the query parameter called format. The default response format is text.

GET /api/rates?provider=currencyconverterapi&fr=USD&to=INR&format=text
GET /api/rates?provider=currencyconverterapi&fr=USD&to=INR&format=json

A JSON response would be structured like as shown below:


Supported Rates

To know about the currencies supported by, please refer:

Try it Out!

Click this link to obtain the current rate for 1 USD in INR:

To Dos


Code is under the MIT License. Documentation is under the MIT License.


The API comes with no warranty. Please cache results whenever possible.